Ms. Florence Ippersiel was born on April 28, 1891 in Lefaivre, Ontario. After completing her primary education in Lefaivre, she had to move to Quebec to complete her secondary education in St-André-Avelin. She got her teaching certificate from the Ottawa Normal School around 1909.Her teaching career ended when she got married on July 9, 1917.
Her disappointment at having to quit teaching was beneficial to the development of the Lefaivre area. While raising her eight children and helping out her husband with the farm work, she became a key contact person for her Lefaivre fellow citizens and the government agencies.
Dedicated to the community, Ms. Ippersiel was committed to the advancement of women in rural areas. The Association des fermiers du cercle de Lefaivre (farm women’s association of the Lefaivre area) owes a special thank you to our recipient who served as the secretary-treasurer of the circle when it was founded and for several years afterwards. She was also involved in the Christian Women’s Movement and was the secretary of the Lefaivre cheese factory and dairy co-operative.
She died on October 17, 1980 at age 89.