Roger Labonté

Roger Labonté was born in Belle-Vallée, Northern Ontario. At 18, he established a small timothy and clover seed screening station in New-Liskeard. He innovated by developing a market for the production and the sale of seeds, which created new market opportunities for seed producers. In 1952, he founded Labonté Seed Ltd. A hard-working man, he dedicated his whole life to his work and his family of nine.

In addition to defending the interests of farmers, Labonté was committed to the community, serving as a school trustee for separate schools. He was very religious and respectful of his fellow men, and was actively involved in different religious movements, such as the “Cursillo”, the “Marital renewal” and the “Charismatic group”. He even met with Pope Pius XII during a trip to Rome in 1950. He contributed to finding provincial, national and international opportunities for the seed farmers of Northern Ontario.
